So, the final day arrived. We had the last classes for Marketing and Accounting. In Marketing we discussed the Vistakon case and the way Prof Piyush Kumar handled the case was just amazing. He has put so much structure to the case, that one can not go wrong. He also set the context for the Marketing course in next term, which is Marketing and Decision Making. In Accounting we covered the annuities and accounting for marketable securities. At end of the class, we gave a big applause to the profs. It was really an experience of a life time to be taught by the best in the business. You develop new notions about the subject when you view it through an expert's eye and then you realize that no phenomenon in this world is boring. You may feel some subject is boring because you have not been exposed it from the right perspective.
The last weekend before the final terms is here and the pressure can be seen all around. The normal activity around the campus is minimal, though there was an expection yesterday evening. We had our Accounting project due Friday midnight and and most of the groups including mine, struggled to complete it in time. At 11:30 PM we fired the print and went to collect it at the printer. We were welcomed by a panicy crowd, telling that there is no paper in the printer and there is a large queue of pending prints. Then it was a race against time, to run back to our rooms, fire a print to the printer in the library, run to the library to get it, sign it and drop it in the box 5 minutes before the deadline. There was a huge crowd and everyone was relieved to have made it in time! We took a few pictures of our killing! I will post them soon. For today I have a picture from the class.