Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Day 9 - Transience in life

Today the third week of classes started. Also 14th May is exactly one month after I landed in ISB. Though now it seems it's already a month passed out of 12 months course, but on a different note, it also seems that I have been at ISB since a loooooong time. For Statistics and Economics, these were last classes by Prof Bob Stine and Prof Amit Bubna. The classes for Stats are divided 5 each between Prof Stine and Prof Waterman, while Eco is divided between Prof Bubna and Prof Bruce Alen.

At end of the class, while it felt good that I was half way through in the 1st Term for these two subjects, the parting note from the profs didn't feel as good. It is strange how you develop a strong bonding with the things around you. I didn't talk to any of these profs at one to one level, still I was feeling bad that there would be no more association with them in term of classes. It also shows that transience of everything in life. Before starting it seemed a long one year of separation from family and job, while now it's already a month past, and we feel we are going through the teething at ISB.

Mid-Term exams are approaching. Friday is the D-Day. Classes until Thursday evening. This is so different from Engineering, where one day before exam I used to call up my mates and ask them about the syllabus, take a xerox of notes and stuff your mind. Next day puke everything in the exam, and net result, empty mind. No learning!! I was been studying quite regularly here and still I feel the void and the peer pressure. Everyone around seems to be working hard as well as having fun, while I seem to be doing neither. Hope things will change as time progresses and I get acclimatized in this environment.

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